Whistleblowing System


north.io GmbH offers the possibility to contact an internal whistleblower portal in case of suspicion or knowledge of illegal or unethical actions and thus contribute to detecting rules violations.

It is possible to report misconduct by employees in our company as well as by our suppliers and service providers concerning potential violations of the law or actions that are harmful to the company, such as corruption, bribery, fraud, other criminal offenses, child labor, slavery, lack of occupational safety, exploitation, and discrimination.

Whistleblowers will not suffer any disadvantage as a result of making a report. Reports can be made in German and English. Reports can also be made anonymously if desired.

Whistleblower portal


If you have concrete, justified indications of legal violations or breaches of rules at north.io GmbH or suspect such violations, you have the following options for contacting us:

Please note that the whistleblowing system is not intended for complaints. If you are dissatisfied with regards to the products or services of the north.io GmbH, please contact your respective contact person in the company.